
Image, Signal and Visualization

Undergraduate course, UCA, 2024

  • This course is an intruduction to image and signal processing with OpenCV.
  • Basic notions:
    • Representation
    • Transformation and extraction
    • Visualization
    • Convolution

Machine learning models for decision-making

Bachelor course, UCA, 2023

  • The main objective of this course is to take in charge simple and interpretable models for decision making with ML. Each model is tested on a use case with respect to the following steps: Modeling the problem, exploring data, choosing and optimizing a model, analyzing and interpreting the results before validating the decision.
  • Programming language: Python and libraries

Learning with Gaussian processes

Master course, UCA, 2019

The main objective of this course is to introduce spatial and temporal stochastic processes for fitting and prediction:

  • Examples and definition
  • Multivariate Gaussian distribution
  • Covariances and kernels
  • Uncertainty, Regression, Prediction, and Classification
  • MLE, MCMC, EP, MAP, etc.
  • Applications: Signals/functions, times series, images, etc.

Artficial Intelligence

Master and Bachelor course, UCA, polytechnique, 2018

A short description: Machine/Deep Learning inro, Data (exploration, cleaning, representation, visualisation), Standard and advanced/deep Models, Learning/Validation/Testing strategies, Performance measures, Overfitting, Cost functions, Optimisation, Use case, deployment pipeline, Ethical and societal issues.